What is an embryo? An embryo is a product obtained by fertilizing a female egg with male sperm. The sperm may be from embryo recipient’s husband or any other man whose identity is confidential. The man donating sperm is advised to undergo essential tests before donation in a situation where the man donating sperm is not known to the female…

Since the mid-70s, the proportion of infertile women above the age of 35, has been rising for multifactorial reasons. Advances in reproductive medicine have enabled these women to become mothers. Southern Cross Fertility Centre offers this service to eligible recipient women, who are unable to produce their own eggs for various causes, for which there is no specific curative treatment.…

The surrogate woman is also defined as a gestational carrier. She is the one who is known or related to the intended parents, who agrees to bear the child of the intended parents throughout the pregnancy term, from the stage of embryo transfer to the delivery of the baby. The embryo is developed out of the female egg and male…

It is a technique where a single spermatozoa is injected directly into the cytoplasm of the oocyte in order to achieve fertilization. Sperm is initially taken from the ejaculate. If sperm cannot be retrieved TESE or MESA is done. In this procedure, the oocytes are collected the same way as in IVF. Both the egg and the sperm are then…

IVF is a process, outside the body where a sperm fertilizes an egg The process occurs in a petridish which contains the culture medium placed inside a carbon dioxide incubator in a laboratory The zygote which forms is then cultured further into an embryo or blastocyst and then transferred into the patient’s womb with the intention of forming a pregnancy…

IUI is a simple technique, less costly, non-invasive, performed on the female, when both the partners are normal, but still unable to bear a child in spite of regular unprotected sexual intercourse.